There are a few ways that you are able to report your child's attendance.
1. Attendance Line 248-726-4010 - Please remember to call us if your child is going to be absent. We need the information the day of the absence.
This is a 24-hour answering machine. The following information must be left on the answering machine.
- Student's first and last name (spelled out)
- Parent name, if different from student's last name
- Day and date of absence
- Reason for absence
- Phone Number
All absence calls are for one day only unless you specify otherwise. We suggest that you call as early as possible. Many telephone calls come in between 7:00 and 7:45 a.m.
2. ParentVue - this is another option for logging in your child's full day absence.
TARDY - If your student is arriving late, or needs an early dismissal, you should call the attendance number at (248) 726-4010
Students who arrive late to school must report directly to the attendance office to sign in. Students are expected to be in class to begin work when the bell tone sounds at 8:55am. Parent must escort student to the office to sign the student in. Please do not drop off the student outside the building.
EARLY DISMISSAL - If your student is arriving late, or needs an early dismissal, you should call the attendance number at (248) 726-4010
Please call the attendance line at 248-726-4010 to let the office staff know about 10 minutes before that you will be picking up your child early. Also, when picking up your child early please let the teacher know ahead of time via email.
Your child will be called out of class when you arrive to pick them up. Please fill out the Student Sign In/Out sheet located in the vestibule and push the button located outside the office to let office staff know you have arrived. Please wait for you child in the vestibule and please be sure they leave through the front office doors.